Hotspots Stable New variant
With Hotspots the user can explore content by opening detailed information on demand. They are placed as interactive spots on an image or graphic.
General Guidance
On medium and large viewports, the informative content pops up when the user clicks on a spot. On small viewports, the content of the active Hotspot is revealed directly below.
Labeled Hotspots
Hotspots can optionally be supplemented by a label with a always visible short name. The label can be placed left or right of the hotspot.
Nesting groups of spots
Multilevel labeled hotspots can group hotspots on a second level if space is limited and hotspots are overlaying the image.
Pulse effect on spots in 3D worlds
When placing hotspots in 3D worlds the use of an orange pulse will guide the user. It is reserved to 3D where no box-shadow or focus ring accentuates the spots.