UI MarCom 3

Select Box Stable New filter feature New multi select variant Dark Theme

A Select Box is an input field that provides a list of options from which the user chooses a value. They are typically used in forms.

General guidance

The Select Box is a versatile input component designed to enhance user experience when making your selection from a list of option. This component can handle a large number of items as it provides a filter if the list contains more than seven entries. This intuitive feature ensures that users can effortlessly select from extensive lists with ease, promoting efficient and user-friendly interactions within your application.

A normal Select Box allows you to select only a single item, whereas our Multi Select Box can provide a two-level list of checkboxes to select multiple items.

One of the most popular use cases is known to be language selection. For your convenience, there is a ready-to-use component with a ready-made design that also adds country flags to the filterable options list: Country and Language Selector


Selectbox structure
Select Box structure
  1. Icon Optional
  2. Label text Optional
  3. Input text area Mandatory
  4. Indicator Optional
  5. Helping information Optional
  6. Dropdown arrow Mandatory

Select box for a single selection

Multi select with nested check boxes

Added in 3.2
Related components

A ready-to-use component to select countries and languages.
When there are only a few options radio buttons or checkboxes may result in better user experience.