UI MarCom 3

Tooltip Stable Dark theme

With a Tooltip you can provide short additional information. It opens in a small layer when the user hovers or taps on the item that is attached with the Tooltip.

<uimc-tooltip content="">*</uimc-tooltip>

headlineHeadline text of the tooltip
contentText of the tooltip
themeSet the color scheme of the componentlight, darklight
SlotSlotted content
defaultWrapped content opens the tooltip on hover or tap

Working sample

Hover or tap here to open tooltip*

<uimc-tooltip headline="Tooltip adjustments" content="Tooltip title adjusts its direction automatically">Hover or tap here to open tooltip*</uimc-tooltip>

Dark theme

Hover or tap here to open tooltip*

<uimc-tooltip theme="dark" headline="Tooltip adjustments" content="Tooltip title adjusts its direction automatically">Hover or tap here to open tooltip*</uimc-tooltip>