Select Box Stable

A Select Box is an input field that provides a list of options from which the user chooses a value. They are typically used in forms.

Select box

It’s your choice
<div class="selectbox js-selectbox ">
  <select id="sampleSelect1" class="selectbox__select">
    <option value="" disabled="" selected=""></option>
      <option value="Lime" >Lime</option>
      <option value="Orange" >Orange</option>
      <option value="Banana" >Banana</option>
  <label class="selectbox__label" for="sampleSelect1">Fruit…</label>
  <small class="selectbox__hint">It’s your choice</small>

Select box valid state

Yes, orange is a great choice.
<div class="selectbox js-selectbox is-valid">
  <select id="sampleSelect1" class="selectbox__select">
    <option value="" disabled="" selected=""></option>
      <option value="Lime" >Lime</option>
      <option value="Orange" selected="selected">Orange</option>
      <option value="Banana" >Banana</option>
  <label class="selectbox__label" for="sampleSelect1">Fruit…</label>
  <small class="selectbox__hint">Yes, orange is a great choice.</small>

Select box invalid state

No, this is not a fruit.
<div class="selectbox js-selectbox is-invalid">
  <select id="sampleSelect1" class="selectbox__select">
    <option value="" disabled="" selected=""></option>
      <option value="Lime" >Lime</option>
      <option value="Orange" >Orange</option>
      <option value="Red" selected="selected">Red</option>
  <label class="selectbox__label" for="sampleSelect1">Fruit…</label>
  <small class="selectbox__hint">No, this is not a fruit.</small>