SHS Feedback Module

Modifier classes to control appearance

shs-feedback Without any modifier the feedback module would be invisible
shs-feedback--icon-visible only the icon is visible
shs-feedback--caption-visible only the icon with its caption is visible
shs-feedback--body-visible the full module is visible

Modifier classes to control visible content

shs-feedback--show-rating shows the first layer with the website rating input
shs-feedback--show-app-rating shows the first layer with the application rating input
shs-feedback--show-suggestion shows the second layer with text area for optional suggestions
shs-feedback--show-contact-hint shows a hint if the user tries to misuse feedback form for contact purposes
shs-feedback--show-thankyou shows the layer with the thank you message

Textarea state classes

textarea initial textarea
textarea is-active has-focus textarea while editing
textarea is-active filled textarea
textarea is-valid valid textinput gets a green checkmark
textarea is-invalid invalid textinput gets a red cross

Button states

<button> a button
<button disabled> disabled button