UI MarCom 3

Country and Language Selector Stable New in 3.1

The Country and Language Selector makes selecting either the prefered language or country and region for an application possible.

Language Selector <uimc-language-selector>

valueCurrent language in two letter ISO formate.g. "DE"
languagesList of languages to select fromJSON formatted Array (see examples below)
filter-thresholdMax number of items without activating the filter inputNumber7
openReflects visibility of the selection list

onChangeeventCallback function that gets triggered when the selection is confirmed
<uimc-language-selector slot="meta-menu" value="DE" languages='[
              "alias": ""
              "alias": "German",
              "isSelected": true
              "alias": "Dänemark"
              "alias": "Spanisch"
              "alias": "Holländisch"

Country and Language Selector <uimc-country-language-selector>

country-titleHeading on the country inputString"Select country or region"
language-titleHeading on the language inputString"Select language"
button-labelHeading on the country inputString"Update settings"
valueCurrent country and language in two letter ISO code format separated by a pipee.g. "US | EN"
countriesList of countries to select fromJSON Array (see examples below)
languagesList of languages to select fromJSON Array (see examples below)
interdependentShows languages depending on selected country
filter-thresholdMax number of items without activating the filter inputNumber7
img-pathPath to the country flag imagesPath/assets/img/flags/svg/
img-extExtension of the country flag imagesFile extensionsvg
fallback-imgFallback image for other countriesFile in the img-pathfb.svg
openReflects visibility of the selection list

onChangeeventCallback function that gets triggered when the selection is confirmed

Interdependent Country and Language Selection

<uimc-country-language-selector interdependent img-path="/ui-marcom/version/3.2/assets/img/flags/svg/" slot="meta-menu" value="BE | NL" countries='[
                  "isSelected": true,
                  "languages":  ["EN", "FR", "NL"]
                  "languages":  ["DE", "FR"]
                  "languages":  ["DE", "EN"]
                  "languages":  ["FR"]
                  "languages":  ["NL", "EN"]
              ]' languages='[
                  "isSelected": true

Independent Country and Language Selection

<uimc-country-language-selector img-path="/ui-marcom/version/3.2/assets/img/flags/svg/" slot="meta-menu" value="US | EN" countries='[
                "name":"Åland Islands"
                "name":"American Samoa"
                "name":"Antigua and Barbuda"
                "name":"Bahamas (the)"
                "name":"Bolivia (Plurinational State of)"
                "name":"Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba"
                "name":"Bosnia and Herzegovina"
                "name":"Bouvet Island"
                "name":"British Indian Ocean Territory (the)"
                "name":"Brunei Darussalam"
                "name":"Burkina Faso"
                "name":"Cabo Verde"
                "name":"Cayman Islands (the)"
                "name":"Central African Republic (the)"
                "name":"Christmas Island"
                "name":"Cocos (Keeling) Islands (the)"
                "name":"Comoros (the)"
                "name":"Congo, Democratic Republic of the"
                "name":"Congo (the)"
                "name":"Cook Islands (the)"
                "name":"Costa Rica"
                "name":"Côte d´Ivoire"
                "name":"Dominican Republic (the)"
                "name":"El Salvador"
                "name":"Equatorial Guinea"
                "name":"Falkland Islands (the) Malvinas"
                "name":"Faroe Islands (the)"
                "name":"French Guiana"
                "name":"French Polynesia"
                "name":"French Southern Territories (the)"
                "name":"Gambia (the)"
                "name":"Heard Island and McDonald Islands"
                "name":"Holy See"
                "name":"Iran (Islamic Republic of)"
                "name":"Isle of Man"
                "name":"Korea, Democratic People´s Republic of"
                "name":"Korea, Republic of"
                "name":"Lao People´s Democratic Republic (the)"
                "name":"North Macedonia"
                "name":"Marshall Islands (the)"
                "name":"Micronesia (Federated States of)"
                "name":"Moldova,Republic of"
                "name":"Netherlands (the)"
                "name":"New Caledonia"
                "name":"New Zealand"
                "name":"Niger (the)"
                "name":"Norfolk Island"
                "name":"Northern Mariana Islands (the)"
                "name":"Palestine, State of"
                "name":"Papua New Guinea"
                "name":"Philippines (the)"
                "name":"Puerto Rico"
                "name":"Russian Federation (the)"
                "name":"Saint Barthélemy"
                "name":"Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha"
                "name":"Saint Kitts and Nevis"
                "name":"Saint Lucia"
                "name":"Saint Martin (French part"
                "name":"Saint Pierre and Miquelon"
                "name":"Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"
                "name":"San Marino"
                "name":"Sao Tome and Principe"
                "name":"Saudi Arabia"
                "name":"Sierra Leone"
                "name":"Sint Maarten (Dutch part)"
                "name":"Solomon Islands"
                "name":"South Africa"
                "name":"South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"
                "name":"South Sudan"
                "name":"Sri Lanka"
                "name":"Sudan (the)"
                "name":"Svalbard and Jan Mayen"
                "name":"Syrian Arab Republic"
                "name":"Taiwan (Province of China)"
                "name":"Tanzania, United Republic of"
                "name":"Trinidad and Tobago"
                "name":"Turks and Caicos Islands"
                "name":"United Arab Emirates (the)"
                "name":"United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)"
                "name":"United States Minor Outlying Islands (the)"
                "name":"United States of America",
                "isSelected": true
                "name":"Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)"
                "name":"Viet Nam"
                "name":"Virgin Islands (British)"
                "name":"Virgin Islands (U.S.)"
                "name":"Wallis and Futuna"
                "name":"Western Sahara"
              ]' languages='[
                  "id": 32,
                  "id": 17,
                  "id": 392,
                  "code":"CN trad.",
                  "name":"Chinese (Traditional)"
                  "id": 68,
                  "id": 181,
                  "id": 182,
                  "id": 9,
                  "id": 2,
                  "isSelected": true
                  "id": 51,
                  "id": 5,
                  "id": 6,
                  "id": 1,
                  "id": 3,
                  "id": 70,
                  "id": 401,
                  "id": 371,
                  "id": 7,
                  "id": 8,
                  "id": 91,
                  "id": 106,
                  "id": 104,
                  "id": 372,
                  "id": 391,
                  "id": 10,
                  "id": 11,
                  "id": 12,
                  "id": 393,
                  "name":"Portuguese (Brazilian)"
                  "id": 191,
                  "name":"Romanian; Moldavian"
                  "id": 138,
                  "id": 149,
                  "id": 13,
                  "id": 14,
                  "id": 4,
                  "id": 15,
                  "id": 192,
                  "id": 16,
                  "id": 381,
                  "id": 373,